Free Churro


Have you ever watched a show so sad yet witty, you just don’t know whether to cry or laugh? Then, your whole body started shaking hard because of the plethora of emotions that you’re trying to hold inside?

That’s that, the best 25 minutes of my 2020.

Honestly, I watched a lot of weep-worthy movies and series this year due to the quarantine. I shed like — I don’t know — a thousand gallons of tears? Yet, Bojack Horseman Season 5 Episode 6, is still able to drain all the tears that I’ve allocated for the last two months of 2020. This one right here is a masterpiece of television. Even if you don’t watch the entire series, this episode can single-handedly blow your mind.

It is powerful, brilliant — devastating, and poignant. It feels like you were there, staring at the casket containing your best friend's mother, awkwardly sitting in the front row in silence. At times, you giggled when your friend told you a self-deprecating anecdote or a trying-to-hard pun. The next second, you bit the bottom of your lips, strived to not let out any bit of weeping sound as the eulogy continued.

That moment feels so real. And raw. And honest. It’s 50 years of misery encapsulated in a 25 minutes speech. It’s anything but pretentious.

At the end of the episode, you’ll find yourself staring blankly at the black screen. And you just know, the monologue has scarred you for life.



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