

People, participate in a march.

Participating in a march is like visiting a friend who is sick at the hospital. You know that your friend is sick, but you keep on thinking “My friend is going to be okay; I could always visit them next week”. But then your friend died the next week, and you could not visit them again, ever. Oh, believe me, I know how that feels. The feeling of sadness, guilt, and regret over not being able to see your friend one last time before it all ended…

I know, our presence might not mean anything. Us coming won’t necessarily make their health condition better either. Our friend might not even know that we came because they were bedridden, unable to open their eyes or even feel our presence.

Sure, we can keep praying in silence every day, wishing for their condition to get better. We can keep the donations going; we can keep informing other friends that our friend is currently sick and needs help. But are you willing to pay the price, in the form of regret, that will haunt you for the rest of your life if you don’t go now?

“I should have come. I should have visited every day while you were still here. I should have let you know that I am here, supporting and rooting for you nonstop.”

So, find a time to visit your friend. Find a time to participate in a march.

Much better; make the time to participate. Even in your most tired state, just think that your friend needs you, and you might regret it forever that you weren’t able to root for them physically when you still have the chance. Even in our helplessness, who knows? Our friends could get better if we are constantly praying, supporting them, and doing everything in our power to help them. That’s always the goal.



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