

It’s funny how we can be at our happiest state while doing the most mundane things in life. For example, grocery shopping, standing near the train tracks, sitting on the subway, or greeting work-folks after a long weekend. Most of the time, we see those as ordinary, a tiny little slice of daily life, nothing special. However, we often find the tasks very therapeutic, like a part of a healing or restoring process. Those mundane pieces serve as a routine that you thought you hate, but will definitely be missed when you are not doing it anymore. It transforms into a different kind of sanity pill.

Hence, if we are going to miss it anyway, why bother to despise it now? Why not try to embrace it, hug it, accept it as a part of your days? Maybe, this is not as dreary as you thought. Maybe, it is time to settle down. Maybe, this is the life you are looking for. Maybe, these humdrum, monotonous, worldly activities are the reason you are still alive right now.

All these maybes.



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